Accepted Papers

The following papers have been accepted for presentation at Recomputability 2014:

  • Scientific Workflow Repeatability through Cloud-Aware Provenance by Khawar Hasham, Kamran Munir, Jetendr Shamdasani and Richard McClatchey
  • “Share and Enjoy”: Publishing Useful and Usable Scientific Models by Tom Crick, Benjamin A. Hall, Samin Ishtiaq and Kenji Takeda
  • Emulation-as-a-Service: Workflows and Infrastructure to Support Recomputable Science by Dennis Wehrle, Thomas Liebetraut, Isgandar Valizada and Klaus Rechert
  • Experience of Its First Year and Lessons Learned by Ian Gent and Lars Kotthoff

Along with the panel session, we look forward to an excellent worshop in December!

in conjunction with UCC 2014